What is the craving?
The craving is an American expression denoting an impulse for a food. According to nutritionists across the Atlantic, these drives are not a sign of weakness, but the translation of a need for the organization. According to experts, they reveal just envy. But unlike bulimia, the craving does not lead to vomiting. Considered a poorly recognized in many obese people, the craving has been studied in a population sample. The results of this study, conducted over a period of six months by a team from the Inserm 1992 to 1997, concluded that people who feel a pressing need to eat a specific food or a family, so to least weekly, could be considered "craveurs.

From interviews, housewives are the most affected. Their favorite food is chocolate with a sweet variation among women and men salty. The craving is linked to a psychological state as it may be due to stress, fatigue or depression. Sugar is a fuel of the body and brain, which is why some people feel an urge for sweets, sodas or ice cream. Indeed, the latter contains mainly cream, whole milk and sugar. By taking these foods compulsively, the craveurs feel comforted. They try to compensate stress by eating, or salty and fat are super addictive.

Some tips to avoid craving
Our instincts are psychological disorders and contribute to eating behaviors. Also to avoid falling into the craving, it is possible to choose safe foods for the body. Fruit juices, compotes, fresh fruit can be substituted for sugar, while providing vitamin C and fiber for digestion. Moreover, they are antioxidants. If you are addicted to chips, opt for the popcorn, corn is low in calories, rich in vitamin B, and full of vegetable protein. Those capable of overcoming a chocolate bar should opt for a handful of dried fruit, concentrated in magnesium. Similarly, hamburgers and fries should be abandoned for salmon, herring or oilseeds (almonds, hazelnuts ...).

Instead of peanuts, you can eat fish eggs on a slice of bread with a squeeze of lemon. These foods provide omega 3 and 6, also they are rich in protein and are therefore very satiating. To replace the ice cream, opt for skim milk pudding that you can decorate a fruit coulis. For those who can not resist the pie pastry, it is possible to use a puff or a paste of brick, consisting only of flour and water. The wand with high glycemic index may be replaced by whole grains, rice cakes, muesli. Their glycemic index is low and the body stores less.
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