Royal Jelly takes care of your skin
Natural substance of very high nutritional quality, royal jelly has many virtues as an antibiotic, conditioner by strengthening the immune system, brings vitality to fight against stress and slow the aging process of the skin. Its anti-aging, royal jelly and must because of its high content of vitamins of group B, but also for its richness in carbohydrates, protein, trace elements, minerals and lipids.

Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5, which is present in very large quantities in the royal jelly is the element that allows him to delay the aging process, reduce hair loss or to address the problems of the skin. It has a regenerating effect on the skin by erasing all traces of fatigue, making him at the same time its softness and radiance. Reducing and neutralizing the effects of cellular oxidation, it delays the appearance of wrinkles and keeps the longest possible flexibility of the skin.

Royal Jelly, an elixir of longevity
To understand the extraordinary properties of royal jelly against aging both in general and in terms of skin, let us consider for a moment the main reason for its production by bees. Royal Jelly is produced solely for feeding the queen bee and all larvae from the colony until their 3rd day. Larvae destined to become queens are fed royal jelly until the 5th day.

The growth of larvae of queens is then very quickly only a fortnight, while the smaller workers need seven more days to grow. Continuing to be fed royal jelly, the young queens are twice as large as the workers and weigh 40% more. The longevity of the queen is magnified up to 40 times more than workers. Far from claiming that the royal jelly you will live to be 200 years old, you will still retain strength and youth as long as possible!
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