Natural Remedies for Gray Hair

Premature hair graying is the most common problems facing by today’s generation. There are some successful ways which can reduce the hair graying process. These methods include the diet and some application procedures. Curry leaves, Indian gooseberry, coconut oil, amaranth vegetable and application of henna with coconut oil are some of the most successful remedies for preventing hair graying.

At the root of the hair, a pigment known as melanin which is responsible for giving color to the hair is present in the follicles. The insufficient quantity of this pigment in the follicles causes gray hair. It is common to get some gray hair at a very early age as of 8-10 years. But if more than 50 percent of the hair turns gray before the age of 40 years then it is known as premature hair graying. This premature hair graying problem can happen due to certain health reasons like anemia, stress and thyroid, lack of vitamin B12, vitiligo and low bone mineral density. There are some very good natural remedies for gray hair.

Cure your gray hair with natural remedies
The first and foremost step to stop your hair from turning gray is to manage the stress and worries in a healthy way. This can reduce the hair from turning gray faster than any other thing. You should also remember to include vitamin B, iodine, iron and copper as a part of your food. Your food should have fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, milk, fish and dairy products. Avoiding oily and spicy food, soft drinks and refined flour would also help in preventing premature hair graying. Below mentioned are some of the remedies which can help you in slowing down the premature hair graying process.

Coconut oil
This is one of the best natural remedy for gray hair. You should apply pure coconut oil on the scalp and hair and massage it gently before going to bed. Wash it off next day. You can also boil Indian gooseberry and coconut oil till it turns in dark color. Apply this in your hair and scalp to get good results.
coconut oil Natural remedies for gray hair  Natural remedies for gray hair
Curry leaves
Heat curry leaves in coconut oil for a few minutes and cool it down. Then apply it in your hair. This would help the pigment to stay and would keep your hair dark.
Amaranth vegetable
Fresh amaranth leaves also help in reducing hair graying. Boil the leaves in water and strain out the extract. Apply this on your hair to get good results.
Dry gooseberry under the sun and make a fine powder from it. Mix this powder with coconut oil and apply on hair to get dark hair.
Coconut oil and henna
If you have much gray hair which is easily visible, then you should choose to apply henna to restore the dark color of your hair. Boil coconut oil with henna leaves till the oil turns dark. Apply it on your hair after cooling it down. Wash it off after 30-40 minutes. You will find your gray hair turned into brown.
You can also apply one teaspoon each of lemon juice, Indian gooseberry juice and almond oil to prevent your hair from premature graying. A proper diet and stress free atmosphere is the key towards a healthy body and brain.
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