Life is unreal when you start to listen to the wisdom within. How cool is our life experiences when we cease to seek. There comes a point in our evolution when it swings this way. It turns from an external reflection to an internal answer. The concept of knowing all the answers lie within actually takes form. We merge then our energetic mastery that we all have access to with our unique ability as a medium of consciousness. Then it becomes form – structure, action, communication and money. With less reaction yet complete expression and real life creation we live as a new human being.

The process of this being true for us as grounded human beings is we must identify with our multiple dimensional selves. This in our current paradigm of thought is often disregarded and/ or ignored. The mastery of aligning all of our realities and dimensions to our human body means we no longer live in any fantasy. Fantasy is our escapism. We do not vivid dream and then try our best to create that as our reality. We do not ignore our insights and pops ins. We do not build a fantasy around ourselves about the people in our lives fulfilling some identity we wish to believe is true.

We own and embrace all of our fantasies and we know they are true. Yet they run as one whole system within us. They run as one solid form inside of our bodies. When this happens we are aligned fully with creation. Then instant manifestation becomes our reality. It looks instant yet it is not we have built this in multiple dimensions yet it now takes real world form.

For this to happen the one key thing we must know and believe to be true is we TRUST the path of divinity that we are all aligned to. The wisdom of the ages is what connects us all. We are a vehicle of energy yet we are not controlling the outcomes. We are directing the energy into form and matter. This merges meta (big picture concepts) with matter( real world structures).

The medium ship of today that is being birthed through us is a new form of medium ship rather than our concepts known - where by we spoke to dead people and give psychic readings. That paradigm only affirms our ego’s responses and our apparent human gifts? Imagine if we hold access to receiving information and wisdom through other channels and it is normal. It is NOT like channeling and those spiritual forms of accessing guidance. It is an experience you experience inside of self - a vibrational building block - a knowing that you have aligned with inside of you through your body.

It is therefore not information you follow or a concept but an experience you have internally. You're in a way compacting yourself to become one whole rather than expanding into other forms of consciousness. This makes YOU grounded, real and approachable. Rather than dark, all knowing and aloof.It is a given through our multi dimensional bodies. Then when this is known and validated we are not only accessing the bigness of our self but we are open then to experience our fantasies as our realities. This merges then the capacity of the evolving human being. We become a vehicle of creation fully real, grounded and with success and achievement in this world.

At the moment we think they are separate. We look different. Some people stand for one paradigm – way – concept and others take on a polarity. Yet we are the same. We share the same capacity. We share the same synergy. We actually only need to die to what we believe is THE WAY. Whether it is masculine or feminine, mind or heart – all is an illusion a belief system we hold onto that we think we are aligned with.

The reality is you have to want out of fantasy and to build a multi dimensional reality to become a high powered medium. That then means you become the spark of Jesus yet one who is fully merged here with money, beauty and truth. There is no separation of these worlds and there is no need to make distinction of difference. It is simply how we stay in control and create separation between each other.

Life as we know it is changing, we are evolving and our capacities are actually so profound and god given. The choices we can make now with how we wish to be and how we wish to show up are miraculous. The accessing of what we all know to be true plus our desire to be fully here is what makes us empowered accessing our masculine and feminine gifts of creation.

The only thing in the way is the insecurity, opinion and limitations we share at a basic human level. The development beyond these constructs means we step into a paradigm that takes us out of control yet into full knowing with joy, pleasure and experience being our guiding force.

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Sarah McIntyre is the creator, teacher and inventor of this revolutionary, personal development and leadership pathway.

We guide you to CREATE & DEVELOP new frameworks for the way you live by merging leadership, evolution, personal transformation and well being as The New Human.


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