Avoiding Disease With Maintaining Body pH Balance

Most of us do not have acid-base balance is good. This resulted in the onset of disease, decreased energy, and various other disease conditions. In fact most of us do not realize that our bodies tend to have acidic conditions caused by both as a byproduct of the body's metabolism, diet is dominated by: proteins, fats, sugars and processed foods (refined foods), and also coupled with living conditions of high stress, alcohol consumption and cigarette smoke or pollution. Furthermore, this condition is increasingly on perparah with a low intake of minerals that are useful as agents that neutralize the acidic conditions in the body. 


Which is a very important thing for us to consume foods that contain minerals sufficient to neutralize the acidic conditions in the body such as vegetables and fruits as well as some other foods that contribute to the alkalinity of our bodies. But how many of us have a chance in getting an adequate mineral intake through fruit and vegetables that we consume every day in the midst of a high-pressure life. Not to mention plus the mineral content of soil decreased as a result of the use of pesticides and modern farming patterns that do not give a chance to land is used to re-contain sufficient minerals.

When I was in acidic conditions, the cells of our bodies can not work optimally so that the body will accumulate garbage, toxins are not removed properly and the nutrients absorbed by the body can not be used optimally so that we are finally beginning to feel not as healthy or as fresh as ever.
To obtain optimal health conditions, it takes the body's pH slightly above 7.0. And when we are able to maintain the body's pH number on the optimal rate, then the metabolism, enzymes, immune system and repair will be able to work effectively. By maintaining the pH of the TSB numbers above, means that our body has enough minerals to balance the acidic conditions in the body.
To maintain the pH balance in the blood, the body is a way of pulling our potassium from the extracellular fluid and when the deposits of potassium has been used in full, your body will start to pull calcium, magnesium and other minerals that can mempertahanakan alkaline conditions in the blood. This is a major cause rather than the condition of osteoporosis and arthritic conditions. 

As you already know that the food we eat can dramatically change the pH of our body. For example a can of cola drinks containing phosphoric acid can significantly alter the pH of our body. Kidneys are not able to dispose of urine that has a lower acidity level of 5.0 without damaging cells of the kidney or urinary tract. For information, the pH of cola drinks contain the range between pH 2.5 - 3.2. amounting to 100 times more acidic than the liquid that has a pH of 5.0. To dilute to a tolerable level, you need 33 liters of urine. To overcome this problem, another body has a mechanism that is by taking the minerals from the body to raise the pH of the TSB. If you have a backup body sodium and potassium elbow so your body will use it, but if not, then the body will start to pull calcium, magnesium and other minerals from the bones. The amount of minerals taken will be proportional to your body's needs. On the other hand if you're taking water and juice, your body pH will remain stable. 

Eating patterns that exist in our society today tend to be high in protein so that the need for the current mineral intake should be increased especially coupled with a low intake of vegetables and fruits. The higher the pressure in your life the higher the intake of minerals. The more soft drinks, alcohol and cigarette smoke that we get the higher the required minerals. If we do not do something good for removing the factors that lead to acidic conditions such as heavy metals body who gained from cigarette smoke, pollution, etc. then you realize that your mineral needs will be double-fold. 

To determine the condition of the body's acid-base, you can perform a simple test you can do yourself at home, but nevertheless it is not less important than the other test you usually do.
How: You need a litmus paper (pH), then you only need to enter the pH paper into your urine TSB which was first issued in the morning and then compare the colors found in the existing standards in the pH paper packaging. Optimal figure is in the range of 6.5 - 7.5. Any number below 7.0 means the numbers are in your urine acidic region. The lower the number the higher the acidity level of your body. This figure is logarithmic so that the figure 6.0 figure means 10 times more acidic than the figure 7.0, while the acidity level of 5.0 means it has 100 times higher than the figure 7.0
Most of us have been exposed to the conditions mentioned above tend to have low urine pH (acid), but this can be dealt with effectively and quickly is by combining the use of products such as: Hydroxygen Plus and Mega Minerals Plus. 

The use of a combination of these three products will do the things below: 1. Improve your body pH by mengakitfkan metabolism of body cells so that the waste body will be removed and increase the intake of nutrients that can be used by your body in repairing damaged cells 2. Provide adequate mineral reserves when needed in the conditions which unexpectedly or because of workload or the pressures of life are high.
Based on experience, you will be able to see changes in the pH of your urine within 3-7 days and you will feel a significant increase in energy. Good luck.
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