Why a diet of meat suitable for blood group
While our digestive system is able to assimilate all kinds of meat, there are some that are more appropriate than others because more digestible. Faced with some meat, the body is making more effort to process and draw the nutrients they contain. In addition to fatigue the body more important, they are less well absorbed by our metabolism. They also alter the functioning of certain organs and blood circulation disorder. Without an adequate meat diet, the body tends to store them as he can and most often transforms them into fat.

Animal fat is a factor causing cholesterol, obesity and overweight, should therefore carefully choose meats that are best suited to the organism. The theory of blood group system offers a menu ready for use. On the one hand, it helps reduce bad cholesterol and secondly, cleaning the digestive system. In the long term, a supply of meat inappropriate blood group causes stomach and intestinal disorders.

The meat recommended for people with blood type O
According to the letter the regime of Dr. D'Adamo meat, people of blood group O quickly feel the benefits. We invite them to permanently change their eating habits and to read the following lines. It is important to say that the amount consumed by a man or a woman and a child are not identical. With lower energy needs they consume an amount of less than 20% of men. Overall, meat consumption should not exceed 170 grams per meal than one serving daily.

Meats are best treated by persons of blood group O are poultry meat, turkey, beef and lamb. The reason is simple: these individuals have a high rate of gastric acid. This allows for optimal decomposition of proteins. Pork, lamb, duck and all fat meats are not recommended for persons of blood group O. Whatever the meat consumed among those allowed, it must be free piece of fat and the amount consumed must not exceed 170 grams / day.
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